Buonasera ragazze, eccoci ad un nuovo post, in cui volevo mostrarvi i miei bellissimi jeans alti. Li ho comprati l'estate scorsa nel mio viaggio di due settimane a Londra alla
Pop Boutique di Covent Garden. Questo fantastico negozio è ricco di abiti, accessori, scarpe e tantissime altre cose vintage usate degli anni 50'-60'-70' e 80'. Poco tempo fa ho pensato di applicarci delle borchie nella tasca sinistra, credo siano venuti proprio bene; voi cosa ne pensate?
Good evening girls, here comes the new post, I would show you my beautiful high jeans. I bought them, the last summer during my trip of two weeks in London, to the Pop Boutique of Covent Garden. This fantastic shop is full of clothes, accessories, shoes and many other recycled vintage things , from the 50's-60's-70's-'80's. Recently I though to apply them studs in the left pocket, I believe that they are very good; What do you think about them?
I really like it! <33 :)
RispondiEliminaI'll follow you.
With love from the Netherlands,
Molto belli!
RispondiEliminaPassi nel nostro nuovo log di musica?
I'm really liking shorts that are this type of blue! P.S. Join my $50 voucher giveaway! For brands such as Free People, MINKPINK and more! here.. http://cyliaaaa.blogspot.com/2012/02/giveaway-x-unestablish.html
RispondiEliminaThank you :) I'll participate!
Eliminawow the studs look so cool
RispondiEliminalast day of giveaway on my blog, glass pearl earrings worth $ 32 by hoa1950. chk out if u like
I love your pants, it's stunning. Especially the studded details! :)
RispondiEliminaThose shorts rock!
RispondiEliminaXO, Imke
those high shorts look great! I've been looking for a pair but haven't found one yet!!
RispondiEliminaI like the studs on your shorts! Following you now! Hope you follow me back:)
Oh yeah, I follow you now :)
Eliminapretty! xx
RispondiEliminap.s. I'm having a shoe giveaway if you'd like to check it out. :)
Si sono davvero belli, le borchie danno quel tocco in più, un pò rock :D
RispondiEliminaSe ti va passa da me, mi farebbe davvero piacere :)
The Spotted Cherry Pie
So pretty! Love this idea!
RispondiEliminaPS. We've a giveaway to Number A on our blog! Check it out, if you'd like! :)
ox from NYC!
these shorts look damn great! i love them! <3
Thank you to all! :D