giovedì 22 novembre 2012

Christmas wishlist

Buonasera ragazze, mi scuso per l'assenza ma purtroppo quest'anno mi devo diplomare e ho molto da studiare e poco tempo da dedicare al blog. Siamo ormai a fine Novembre e già sto pensando a cosa acquistare o farmi regalare per Natale.
Qui di seguito vi posterò la mia Chirstmas wishlist:
Hamburger sweater by Mr. Gugu & Miss Go
Moschino belt by Moschino
Spike bra by Romwe
Lana del Rey pink sweater (already sold out) by H&M
Falabella bag by Stella Mccartney
Galaxy leggings by Sheinside

Detto questo, incrocio le dita e spero! Voi cosa ne pensate?
A presto

xx - Debora

Good evening girls, I'm sorry for my absence but I will end the school this year and I'm very busy with the study, I've few time to spend to the blog. November is ending and I already thought what I'll buy or I'll give for Christmas.
Below I post my Christmas wishlist.

Told this, I cross my fingers and I hope! What do you think about these choices?
See you soon

xx - Debora

11 commenti:

  1. The sweater is gorgeous!! I am hosting a very interesting giveaway, 25 people will win! So come by and participate! :)


    1. Thank you darling, I've just participated to your amazing giveaway! Hope I win, I cross my fingers :)

  2. Ciao, certo passo subito! Grazie per la visita :)

  3. good choice I liked your blog, I follow you!
    and if you like mine I hope you like pretty follower :) a kiss!

  4. i want those sweaters and moschino belt! awesome picks dear xx

    Letters To Juliet
